Advance Directives

From Living Wills to Durable Powers of Attorney, Langon can ensure your wishes are respected in Colombia.
If you choose to live in Colombia long-term it is prudent to execute advance directives and other legal documentation that will protect your interests in case you become incapacitated or are facing end-of life decisions. Our services include:

Living Wills (“Documento de Voluntad Anticipada”):

These documents outline what type of medical treatment you would want or not want in situations where you cannot make decisions for yourself. It may also include limitations on attempts to prolong life as well as end-of-life preferences.

Durable Power of Attorney (“Documento de Voluntad Anticipada”):

These documents name a particular person that can make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

Coordination with Health Care Providers:

Our firm can coordinate with health care providers in order to ensure your wishes are respected pursuant to the legal documentation you previously executed.


Our firm can manage any mediation, arbitration or possible litigation in the event the terms of any advance directive are contested.