Langon helps families manage all the legal and regulatory issues that arise following the passing of a loved one.
The death of a family member can be emotionally draining. But it’s the practical aspects of someone’s passing that can put unnecessary stress on a family.
Our Family Law Practice Group can help families manage all legal and regulatory issues that arise following the death of a loved one including, but not limited to:
Whether decedent executed a valid Last Will and Testament (“Testamento”) or died intestate, our firm can assist estate executor (“albacea testamentario”) and/or legal heirs throughout the probate process. Our service includes interacting with executors, beneficiaries (“herederos legales o testamentarios”) and creditors, filing legal documentation with local notaries and courts, and filing tax documentation with local tax authorities.
It may be necessary to locate, collect or otherwise secure assets of decedent located in Colombia in order to safeguard the decedent’s estate.
We can assist executor in managing assets throughout the probate process. This can involve monitoring financial accounts, paying ongoing bills and expenses, overseeing the maintenance and repairs of real property and other services.
If the executor decides to sell specific estate assets or the Last Will and Testament requires that such a sale take place, assets may need to be appraised, managed and or repaired prior to sale to third parties.
Probate will require ongoing tax analysis to ensure that all assets are sold and disposed of in the most tax efficient manner.
Clients can name our law firm as official executors of their estates in order to improve the efficiency of the probate process and to protect specific assets from third parties.
From engaging in ongoing negotiations to managing mediation, arbitration and civil actions, we regularly represent parties involved in estate disputes.