Wills and Testaments

We help our clients structure a Last Will and Testament that reflects their wishes pursuant to Colombian law.

Langon has structured personalized wills and testaments under Colombian law for foreign clients for over a decade. Our service ensures that all relevant terms are consistent with local requirements as well as our client’s wishes. In addition, we specialize in providing multi-jurisdictional trusts and estates services for clients who have assets located outside of Colombia.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • drafting a Last Will and Testament (“Testamento”) consistent with local law;
  • managing execution of a Last Will and Testament consistent with local law;
  • analyzing specific dispositions benefiting spouses and living children pursuant to local statutory requirements;
  • establishing guardianship arrangements for children;
  • naming an executor (“albacea testamentario”);
  • updating/amending Last Will and Testament;
  • providing executor services; and
  • managing any mediation, arbitration or possible litigation where a last will and testament is contested.