Business law

We help our startup clients develop the right corporate and legal structure necessary to grow their business

Langon can help you navigate the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to any startup venture in Colombia.

Our Startup Practice Group has extensive experience in the following areas of law:

Business Formation:

Registering business entities including, but not limited to, sole proprietorships (“persona natural con establecimiento de comercio”), foreign company branch entities (“sucursales de sociedades extranjeras”), “Sociedades por Acciones Simplificadas” (S.A.S), “Sociedades Anónimas” (S.A.), partnerships (“asociaciones”), and joint ventures.

Key Corporate Documents:

Drafting key corporate documentation including, but not limited to, company Bylaws/ Operating Agreements (“estatutos”), Shareholder Agreements (“Acuerdos de Accionistas”), Buy-Sell Agreements, Partnership Agreements (“Contrato de Promesa de Sociedad”) and initial board resolutions (“actas de junta directiva”).

Regulatory Approvals:

Identifying required licenses and permits applicable to your business including national, departmental and local tax filings, business licenses, and industry-specific obligations.